# Mathematical Methods

Some quick docs:

# enmap.math(key, operation, operator, [objectPath])

// Assuming
points.set("number", 42);
points.set("numberInObject", {sub: { anInt: 5 }});
points.math("number", "/", 2); // 21
points.math("number", "add", 5); // 26
points.math("number", "modulo", 3); // 2
points.math("numberInObject", "+", 10, "sub.anInt");

Possible Operators (accepts all variations listed below, as strings):

  • +, add, addition: Increments the value in the enmap by the provided value.
  • -, sub, subtract: Decrements the value in the enmap by the provided value.
  • *, mult, multiply: Multiply the value in the enmap by the provided value.
  • /, div, divide: Divide the value in the enmap by the provided value.
  • %, mod, modulo: Gets the modulo of the value in the enmap by the provided value.
  • ^, exp, exponential: Raises the value in the enmap by the power of the provided value.

# enmap.inc(key, [objectPath])

// Assuming
points.set("number", 42);
points.set("numberInObject", {sub: { anInt: 5 }});
points.inc("number"); // 43
points.inc("numberInObject", "sub.anInt"); // {sub: { anInt: 6 }}

# enmap.dec(key. [objectPath])

// Assuming
points.set("number", 42);
points.set("numberInObject", {sub: { anInt: 5 }});
points.dec("number"); // 41
points.dec("numberInObject", "sub.anInt"); // {sub: { anInt: 4 }}